Monday, November 1, 2010

Exam (Nigthmare)

Restless night,
I hold my eyes shut tight and drawn
But I see no phase of sleep nor dream
Concepts, Pages, Chapters, Books
That is what stays tonight so stiff
No rest I get nor my brain calms down
Tried I feel physically and mentally

As dark dissolves into light
My breath gets heavy and heavier
The morning is here for the day awaited
I didnt doze but I am sure I ain’t awake.
With no energy I steped down from bed
In mirrow i see the reflection of fear!

I walk through the doors
By my heart pounds in my mouth
I see anxious students, curious teacher
Minutes gets shorter and shorter
Blood flows through my veins
With constant pressure and pain

Finally I hold the paper in my hand
I read through, but everything is so new
Around me; People write papers after paper,
But I sat there with a blank head!
I try again and again, but I see no use
Anger, frustration and resentment are clear,
Teardrops fall to the paper I hold

I want to throw away the paper and scream
Please feel the struggle that I face
What I face is not a myth or lie
It is real and I stay with it,
The one I have come to hate,
The one that holds my fate.


butterfly dreamer said...

You could use this to convince your teachers...... but the theme is true and well said

Branding de Indian way said...

I thought u love to study ;)

INA said...

Yea I love to study..! But I hate to write exams..